четвртак, 8. новембар 2012.

Katy Perry ♥

Kao što sve znamo, ovo je slavna Katy Perry. Ona je moja omiljena pevačica. Ima samo 28 godina, a iza sebe zavidnu karijeru. Nedavno je okončan njen brak sa Američkim komičarem Russellom Brandom. Inspirisana tim događajem, Katy je snimila pesmu 'Part of me' ('Deo mene') .
Ako nikada niste čule ovu pesmu, poslušajte je. Dopašće vam se. (:

As we all know, this is the celebrity Katy Perry. She is my favorite singer. There's only 28 years old and possesses an enviable career. Recently ended her marriage to an American comedian Russell Brand. Inspired by the event, Katy recorded the song 'Part of me'.
If you have never heard this song, listen to it. You'll like it. (:

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